Vânt de peste 100 km/h și condițiile meteo de furtună au produs blocaje în Olanda, în toate tipurile de trafic: întârzieri pe căile ferate, anularea a peste 100 de zboruri, ambuteiaje în circulația auto.

Sunt cele mai mari cozi în trafic de la începutul anului, ambuteiajele fiind prezente pe un traseu de 754 km, relatează site-ul dutchnews.nl.

Stormy weather over much of the country on Thursday morning has led to the longest rush hour traffic jams of the year, the ANWB motoring organisation said. By 8am, the jams stretched to 754 kilometres, largely in central and southern parts of the country, the ANWB said. The KNMI weather bureau has issued a code orange weather warning for the Wadden Sea islands, saying that winds of up to 120 kph are expected to batter the coast on Thursday morning. Strong winds of up to 100 kph will be felt elsewhere.

Read more at DutchNews.nl: Autumn storm leads to longest jams of the year, disrupted flights http://www.dutchnews.nl/news/archives/2017/10/autumn-storm-leads-to-longest-jams-of-the-year-disrupted-flights/
Stormy weather over much of the country on Thursday morning has led to the longest rush hour traffic jams of the year, the ANWB motoring organisation said. By 8am, the jams stretched to 754 kilometres, largely in central and southern parts of the country, the ANWB said. The KNMI weather bureau has issued a code orange weather warning for the Wadden Sea islands, saying that winds of up to 120 kph are expected to batter the coast on Thursday morning. Strong winds of up to 100 kph will be felt elsewhere.

Read more at DutchNews.nl: Autumn storm leads to longest jams of the year, disrupted flights http://www.dutchnews.nl/news/archives/2017/10/autumn-storm-leads-to-longest-jams-of-the-year-disrupted-flights/