Most European car makers have already declared that they will go full electric by 2035, some of them sooner. The EU’s task is to get ready for this transformation, writes Frans Timmermans.
In his 1992 book "The End of History and the Last Man”, American political scientist Francis Fukuyama predicted "the end of history” as the end-point of mankind ideological evolution.
European citizens want to be protected by the European Union, which is why it must become a security provider, EU chief diplomat Joseph Borrell told several European media outlets in an interview.
The Media4Europe Summit on Wednesday 3rd March 2021 is the launching event of the second edition of the Stars4Media exchange and training programme, co-funded by the European Commission.
Raluca Prună, Head of the Financial Crime Unit in the EU Commission’s DG FISMA, said, in an interview for Aperio Intelligence, that fighting money laundering and terrorist financing is a major political priority of this Commission.
Six world premieres, one international, nine national premieres, a film running for the 2021 Oscar nominations, meetings with directors, key questions, unexpected answers and special events complete the 27th edition of the Festival.
Conspiracy theories need an outside actor to place blame, an actor who bolsters the “us vs them” aspects, and wealthy, influential figures like George Soros and Bill Gates fit the stereotype of a powerful, shadowy figure manipulating events.
Disdain and mocking tone, which are sometimes used when debunking conspiracy theories, can really reinforce in the worldviews of some people by creating an "us against them” divide, Marie Bohner told in an interview.
Obișnuiți cu stilul său neconvențional, nu trebuie să fie de mirare că președintele argentinian Javier Milei, după o zi intensă plină de întâlniri s-a lăsat dus de val la un post de televiziune din Italia, relatează RAI News.
Uniunea Europeană nu pregătește un „pașaport de carbon” sau alte inițiative prin care să restricționeze libertatea de mișcare a cetățenilor, așa cum s-a vehiculat pe site-uri și publicații din România și din Republica Moldova.
Propaganda pro-Kremlin pe Facebook se manifestă și prin comentarii identice puse de un număr limitat de utilizatori, așa-zișii "troli”, conform