INTERACTIVEști magistrat și ai întrebări în dreptul concurenței?

Platforma găzduiește două întâlniri online unde puteți adresa întrebări experților, judecătorii Adam Scott, Liam McKechnie și Diana Ungureanu. Discuțiile vor avea loc în engleză, în secțiunile de comentarii ale articolelor.
Pentru a putea transmite întrebări trebuie să vă înregistrați
pe platformă folosind o adresă de mail instituțională.
Platforma găzduiește două întâlniri online unde puteți adresa întrebări experților Adam Scott, Liam McKechnie și Diana Ungureanu. Discuțiile vor avea loc în limba engleză în secțiunile de comentarii ale articolelor indicate în anunț.
Pentru mai multe informații citiți mai jos anunțul întâlnirilor în limba engleză.
Do you have questions in the field of private enforcement of competition law?
The online meeting is a special instrument whereby EU judges dealing with competition cases can interact with each other and discuss challenges and ideas in the field of private enforcement of competition law.
How does it work?
If you are part of the target group of the project, i.e. national judges dealing with competition cases at national level, including prosecutors, apprentice national judges and the legal staff of the judges’ offices or of national courts from EU Member States, or if you are a legal scholar or a legal expert in the EU, you can interact with your colleagues from other Member States here through the commentary section of the online meeting articles on
You will need to follow these steps:
• Register on the project`s website (you must use an institutional email address to prove that you are part of the target group)
• Log in on the website, so that the commentary section will become visible to you
• Write your questions in the comments section this article by the 30th of September 2016
• Our experts will answer your questions in the comments section until next week
• You must be logged in in order to read the responses of our experts
• After that you can start discussions with your colleagues from other Member States in the commentary section bellow on any topic related to EU competition law
On what topics?
The JustCompetition team, with the assistance of the project`s experts, has opened two online meetings: one on the principle of full compensation and another one on the practical nature and the difficulties of private enforcement.
Online meetings:
• Private enforcement should not be practically impossible or excessively difficult
• The principle of full compensation
The project`s experts will answer your questions that you post with respect to this subject in the commentary section bellow.
After the 30th of September, if you are part of the target group and you are registered on the website, you will be able to post your questions and thoughts in the field of competition law in the commentary section. You can start discussions with your colleagues from other Member States on any topic related to the enforcement of competition law.
Please read the following notes:
(1) There is a delay to be expected between the time you post your comment and the moment it will appear on the website. The comment has to be first validated by our moderators.
(2) Please refrain from using inappropriate language. Any comment that reflects inappropriate or intolerant language will be deleted.
(3) Please use an institutional email address when registering. The moderators of this platform retain the right to delete without notice any user account that has not been registered with an institutional address.
About the experts:
Adam Scott has academic and professional roots in engineering, economics and law. His doctoral research was in an area where economic regulation intersects with psychology and social science. After being called to the Bar, his specialisation in intellectual property and competition law brought him into electronic communications as a lawyer in ITT and the British Post Office. After being corporate planner in the creation and privatisation of British Telecommunications PLC, and then other senior roles in BT, in 1994, he became a fellow at the University of St Andrews, whilst being a consultant in scenarios and economic regulation. He is a fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology and a member of the Institute of Telecommunications Professionals. In 2000, he was a founding member of the Competition Commission Appeal Tribunals. Having completed his subsequent term as a member of the Tribunal in 2012, he is serving as its Director of Studies.
Liam McKechnie is a Justice of the Supreme Court of Ireland and a past President of the Association of European Competition Law Judges. He was appointed a Judge of the High Court of Ireland in 2000 and took charge of the Competition List from 2004. He was called to the Bar (1972) by King's Inn where he is now a Bencher, becoming a Senior Counsel (1987) and Chairman of the Irish Council of the Bar (1998-2000). He holds a Master's degree in European law from University College Cork.
Diana Ungureanu is a judge at Court of Appeal Pitești, Romania. Currently she is seconding in National Institute of Magistracy as trainer for judges on commercial law and competition law. She is a PhD lecturer at Christian University Dimitrie Cantemir, Bucharest. She graduated as head of promotion the Law Faculty at Bucharest University and she has a PhD in international commercial law from Academy of Economic Sciences, Bucharest and an LLM in Public administration. She was deputy director of National Institute of Magistracy for 3 years. She is a regular speaker on EU competition law in national and international conferences and she attends many international events in this field. She is also author of few books and many articles in this field.
Project co-funded by the European Union. The content of the platform reflects only the authors` view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
The coordinator of the project is the European Actors Association, acting with Fondation EurActiv as partner and with the support of the Association of European Competition Law Judges and the National Institute of the Magistracy.