Articole despre refugees crisis

The Uncountried Documentary ©

The UNCOUNTRIED: A film about those who lost all and want to pay taxes

Testimony from hell: A 14-year-old child survives a machinegun. His colleagues die on the spot

VIDEO / INTERVIUUNHCR: In Turkey, out of over 2.9 million registered Syrian refugees, 90 per cent live outside camps

Syrian refugees working in Giurgiu, Romania/

VIDEO / INTERVIURefugee, pastry cook in Giurgiu: ”Romania chose me. I do not want to go to the West”.

They were part of the intellectual class of Syria. They came in Romania looking for safety/Foto:

VIDEO / INTERVIUSyrian refugee in Romania: Terrorists banned chemistry and biology because they are from the devil

People risk everything crossing the sea in rubber boats. / Credit photo: UNHCR

Making a stop in Serbia – Part I: The killer journey

VIDEORefugee in Romania: “I left to avoid being killed. My family sold everything to pay the smugglers.”

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